Shaklee Alfalfa Complex

Shaklee Alfalfa, better healthLost your Shaklee Distributor?

Place an order for Shaklee’s Alfalfa Complex here right now.

Or Call Allen for more info @ 1-909-519-9311

Who needs this product?

Anyone wanting to improve their health and feel better and have a better sense of well-being.

What Shaklee’s Alfalfa Complex Has Done For Others…

by Tina Collins

I have been taking alfalfa for 3 years now. There is nothing like it! It helps with my allergies, joint pain, stomach upset, and keep my digestive system working perfect. For those Oprah Winfrey fans, it makes your bowels have the perfect S and U shapes! LOL! Anyways, I Love this product!!! I know it does so much because I stopped taking it for a couple of weeks and all my ailments I have been dealing with for about 20 years come back! Thanks Shaklee, please don’t ever stop selling this product!

Deeply Rooted Nutrition

Alfalfa is a storehouse of nutrients, It’s taproot reaches down as deep as 20 feet, searching out nutrients and minerals from deposits in the soil while it’s leaves  gather large amounts of chlorophyll thorough the natural process of photosynthesis.

Alfalfa Complex is a Shaklee Signature Formula originally developed by Dr. Shaklee. We use only the finest alfalfa grown in California, ensuring a wide range of nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus, as wee  as chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals and vitamins.

Shaklee’s Alfalfa Ingredients and Features

We use only the finest alfalfa grown in California, ensuring a wide range of nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals, and vitamins.

  • Natural source of alfalfa
  • Contains no fungicides, bacteriocides, synthetic hormones, growth regulators, or chemicals
  • Each serving provides 300 mg of calcium, about as much as in a glass of milk

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