B Vitamins For A Healthy Heart

B Vitamins For A Healthy HeartB Vitamins Are Essential For Good Health

Do we get enough B vitamins?

Everyday stress, alchol and some prescription drugs can increase the risk of depleting your B-vitamin stores.

B vitamins are vital for proper bodily function from heart health to DNA synthesis to stress management to energy metabolism.

The most recent research suggests B vitamins could have a possible role in supporting eye and respiratory health.

Being deficient in B vitamins can severely hinder your body’s performance.


Researchers have begun to identify the relationships of several B vitamins to cardiovascular health or disease. following are some of their findings.


Thiamine appears to have a significant function in maintaining a regular hearbeat and heart elasticity.


A study performed at the Lipid Research Center of the University of Cincinnati Medical Center showed that  in arteriosclerosis-prone animals, niacin can suppress a process that leads to potentially dangerous blood clotting.

Niacin helped lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is an effective vasodilator, ( it dilates-or opens-blood vessels.) Folic acid has been shown to be especially helpful in patients with leg ulcers. These ulcers are caused by poor blood supply to the legs.


Biotin is needed for proper metabolism to provide energy to the body.

Biotin is more expensive than most vitamins in supplements so most companies scrimp on the amount of  biotin they add to their multi-vitamin.

B Complex

Although these are only some of the B vitamins found in nature it is not a good idea to take individual B vitamins and vitamin supplements except under the guidance and direction of a nutritional physician.

The reason is the overconsumption of a single B vitamin can cause a relative deficiency in other B vitamins.

Patented bioactivated absorption system 

Shaklee’s B-complex has a patented nutrient delivery system and is available in an easy to swallow tablet.

And Shaklee’s B-complex has 100% of the RDA for Biotin, they don’t scrimp on the expensive vitamins.

Folic acid is a critical B vitamin that helps produce and maintain new cells.

Supplemental folic acid is not easily absorbed by the body so,

Shaklee has earned a patent in its unique Bioactivated Absorption System that allows this important B vitamin to be much more accessible and more bioavailable.

Shaklee’s B-Complex

Perfect balance, perfect B

Shaklee’s B-Complex offers a perfect balance of all eight B vitamins to strengthen your body, filling in nutritional B-vitamin gaps to help power heart, lungs and other essential organs.

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